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Media Campaign 

LAA: Core Assessment 

LAB: Core Assessment

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100% of the survey are between 16-19 years old , this is the age where most people listen to music.this age group is also important as they are in my target audience  

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Majority of the survey chose Casual wear and formal wear , this give me an idea of what style of clothing to use 

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The most answer chosen was years as this shows that my taget audience have listened to music for years so they know what type of music they would enjoy. 

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this shows that most of the audience follow their artist on all social media, this means the audience can hear upcoming projects their artist is doing an staying updated 

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this give an wide variety that more people listen to both genders to hear how both gender present their music , this shows if my artist was to do a feature with a female the artist would be comfortable listening to the artist music. 

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this shows that more people chose the city as where more music video are shot , this shows that the music videos should be filmed in the city 

Codes & Conventions 

How is cohesion created through the different products ? 

Through the use of my merchandise and album covers, I've created a sense of cohesion through colour schemes, such as: (orange, black , pink purple , green and white) , text styles and images.  These colours are used as a stand out for my artsit and to show that my artist is differnt from other rappers. 

How do artist from this genre normally promote themselves? 

Artist from an rap/r&b genre normally promote their album on social media , such as instagram , TikTok and twitter, these can be called a preview to their album release so that the viewers can hear what the artist is going to release earlier than the original relesase. 

Are there any specific ways of speaking /communicating that these artist use in your chosen genre? 

There are different ways the artist speaks and communicates in RAP and R&B it depends on where that artist is from and the background where the artist is brought up . But this shouldn't effect the way the artist is communicating. 

How do they get the audience attention? 

Artist normally use social media to get their audiences attention by : Doing Instagram live, Tik Tok's , so by using social media will help with promoting will help the artist with getting notice and help gain recognition 

Where does this genre normally advertise their products? 

To advertise their products artists will sometimes have meet and greets to show off merch , gain publicity , to get to know their followers . This also links to social media as artist normally use social media to tell their audience where the meet and greet is and when the merch is going to be released . i think that i would be a great idea to do meet and greets closer to the album release so that the audience can build excitemet for he artist. 

What font styles have you chosen to use? 

The font style that would be chosen would be serif as this make the album eye catching for the audience to view, the reason why i chose these front styles ; it would eye catching for the audience and this will show the style the artist has and the creativity he /she will show in their music.  

Drawn Drafts 

Posters, Tour , Album 

I chose this album and tour poster cover because their a variety of cohesion and would be eye catching for the audience and gain new followers and fans to follow the artist. 


Digital Drafts 

This is rough sketch of my digital display for my album cover. This is to give   brief understanding for the main digital. For example the clouds will be throughout the top of the page this is to show nature in my poster also the color of the background will be : purple, yellow, blue , pink , black , these colors connotes: life, happiness, a calm place to rest , but also this can have a double meaning where it can also connote : discomfort , aggression , to let of steam. The building will be in the back ground to show it is from a further distance , the car is cohesion for the title of the song as the car looks like its drive and the title of the song is called 'ON MY WAY ' this also shows the characters that may be in the song as there is a feature in the album. 


The same will be used as cohesion is being used to shows similarity, In a different font the artist name will be used , this is to stand out from the other font used in the poster. This font will be bold and in a unique font show that it is the artist name, The sunrise will be used as a scenery , the same colours will be used as in the first poster to show the correlation between both posters, mountains will be shown on top of the sun to show the sunrise over mountains , this is to create the rising of the morning to correlate with the 'on my way' title of the song . this scenery is to create meaning for the audience , to make them feel free to express whatever is on their mind such as ; anger 

My Merch 

The cohesion on my merch as this will shown throughout the Album poster, Tour poster . This is to show creativity in the artist work within his albums. Also added accessories to make it more creative. The prices for my merch are not that expensive as it would be affordable for my target audience which is from 14-20  


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The fonts i chose was meant to show cohesion between all the album covers and posters . This is an eaiser way for audience to recognise the same album cover for the artist . the font is used were : Bubble Gum , Tasty Donuts , Lemon Tea , Melted Monster . this is showing the cohesion between the different fonts on the album cover. Also these font prepresent the Rap/R&B genre and as the artist uses a lot of bold writing in the album cover i chose bold fonts to help portary that look. On the other hand, i had  some more fonts that i liked but didnt use them as it didnt show as much cohesion as in the poster . The fonts that didnt used were: Hey Comic , Take On The World , Komika Axis . 

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About My Colour Scheme 

Corralation to Codes and Convetion the colour scheme is important with the album because it show cohesion for the artist album. I used the colour ; pink , red , orange , black and blue . these coulours are throughout my album cover , album poster and the tour bus , this is to show the audience what album the artist is realising. 

My Radio Script 

Music as an intro 

Introduction - 

"Yo Yo Yo Your listening to Capital Xtra and here's a preview to the one and only IM LUCKY YEAT"  
( Music starts to fade in) 

Three remix of the artist music 

1 Im lucky yeat music 1 
2 im lucky yeat music 2 
3 im lucky yeat music 3 

LAC: Core Assessment 


My Artist's Social Media 

Whilst making my cross-media campaign, I made a social media account for the artist , this is to show that the artist has a way to communicate with there audience. This helps the audience to keep up-to-date to the artist's latest music , tour dates , preview music , new released songs etc , this is also for the artist to gain more followers and attention to help the artist gain fame and popularity . I also used hashtags such as I'mLuckyYeat, OMW, 777, these hastags help the artist's audience used hashtags to aware others that they support that artist and this make other viewers that are not familiar with the artsit to check out the artist's social media page . This also helps with target audiences as the target audience is from 18 -28 this is a great example as it is stereotyped that 18 -28 years olds are on social media .


Radio Advert 

Link for My Artist Website 

My Digital Merch 

I'M Lucky Yeat black T-Shirts 


Women's I'M Lucky Yeat Crop Top 

Black T .jpg

I'M Lucky Yeat Jumper 

HOODIE 111.jpg

Black & Orange I'M Lucky Yeat Sliders 


For My Digital Merch i have showed cohesion in the merch by adding similar fonts for each merch and a use of the same album picture to show that the merch are the same . This is useful because this helps the viewer of the artist to recognise the Artist's merch and to help it stand out, also to help gain more attention to the artist. Also the cohesion of orange and black connotes joy, warmth, heat, sunshine, enthusiasm and creativity. As these colours are used to represent joy , sunshine and creativity i portrayed these in my merch to give of an creative and warmth effect in my merch. 

Album cover 


My Tour Poster 

Im lucky yeat tour poster_.jpg

LAD: Core Assessment

Artist Survey 

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For this question i recieved a lot of differnt answers the most answered question was that they oved the websites front cover of the artist , the second was that the front cover was okay , this helps me understand what the audience like. 

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Here i asked my audience if they like my colour scheme for my artist's website , the response that i gt back was that the colour scheme was very good as that was the most answered.  

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In this question i asked if the font that i chose was approriate for the type of scheme i had ( which is rap ) 
the most common response was that they aggreed that my front that i chose was appropriate for my scheme 

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My question to this was for my audience to rate my album cover from 1 to 5 for my artist , and the most common response was 5 as a high rating for my artist album cover.

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I asked some people on how they view my website that I made for my artist d they liked the website or not , the most common answer was that it could be better and was tied between amazing and I love it , this shows that there is some room for improvement for my website .

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I had made my artist social media shown and asked people if they can rate the design of the social media that I had made for my artist , and the most common answr was rated 5 . this shows that the use of photoshop and editing is a strong point . 

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Another question that I asked people if they would buy merchandise from the artists website and the most common answer was absolutely and then second was yeah for sure , these help me now that I have a strong point in editing and using photoshop .

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My final question was if they would listen or buy the artist album based on the radio advert and the album cover and 72.7% of people said yes. this tells me that overall people enjoyed the artist website and would buy mercy and listen to the artist music . 

My Evaluation 

For my campaign I designed four products, I created an album cover, a poster, merchandise and an artist website. The reason on why I made these, is because the album cover, posters can be viewed from all over the country and can be placed around public areas such as: Buses, trains, shops and billboards. This is a great opportunity for my artist to gain more exposure to his target audience which is 16-28 years old, this is also to help my artist gain recognition to his music. The first product I made was the album name this was a sneak peek for my artist's audience to tell them that he is coming out with something new, the designs on the album was outstanding colours and different shapes, this was to give an optimistic view for the audience so that they would be intrigued. This is a great way to get attention to a new upcoming artist.

The second product i made was an Instagram and a snapchat account for my artist , this is to show the artist's fans that he is active on social media and it is an easier way for his audience to stay up date and connect with the artist's life outside of his music, the reason why I made an social media account for my artist is that the target audience is from 16 -28 years of age and at this age it is stereotyped that teenagers/adults spend most of their time on social media , so this was a better way for my artist to gain followers , fame and popularity.

The third product I made was an album cover. In this I showed cohesion in the album cover to show that audience that he is updating on his profile for his song for his viewers. The album cover is used to show the audience what type of music the artist makes and to see the type of style the artist is, normally album covers are filled with eye catching colours with different shapes or a specific thing that the artist always uses in their song's lyric, posters, or the way that they pose, an album cover should be used to identify the artist without physically seeing the artist. This is what I portrayed in my album cover, I added the same outstanding colours to show cohesion and used similar fonts to show off the album cover. 

In addition, I made a radio advert for my artist so that viewers that listen to the radio and can hear my artist previous work and listen to see if they would enjoy it, this is another way for my artist to get recognition if the artist's work is played on the radio, as a wide variety of people listen to the radio. 
For my target audience which is age 16-28, the genre I chose was rap. The reason why I chose rap was that in today's society from age 15-30 most people like rap as their favourite genre in music because of the beats of the music that give them excitement of the rhythm of the song, I chose it because I would get more recognition as rap is very popular

For my artist's website I incorporated the same colours and fonts of his album to his website, this is used to show cohesion for the audience understanding. On the website I added a front cover picture of the artist to show his artist's name and who he looks like, then I also put an about me page, to tell his audience who he is, where he grew up and what his viewers should stay updated for just in case for upcoming music. This is just an inside for the audience to get to know their new upcoming rapper. Also added to the website, I added a blog page, this is just for the artist to show his audience what he has been up to and how his journey started as a rapper and where the journey is taking him, this is also an inside look for the audience to get to know the artist. For my artist's website I added the artist merchandise so that fans could by merch off their favourite rapper's album, this is a loyalty test for his fan as he made merch for his fans so that they can enjoy the music and also have merch from the rapper. Lastly, I added concert tickets for the artist so that his fans can buy tickets to see the rapper live singing the song that they enjoyed from his album. I placed these tickets in three different locations, these are used to show that the artist travels to perform for his audience. This is also seen as a loyal to his fans as he goes on tour to perform.

My Response to my survey 
For my survey I received good and bad feedback. the positive responses that I received was that my website looked like an artist website and that the colours used showed cohesion for the artist's album cover and merch. also, the colour scheme for my website was appropriate for my artist and worked really well for my artist website, another positive feedback was that they would buy and listen to the artist music just based on the look of the artist's website. The feedback that I got that I could improve on was that there could've have been a bit more detail on the website which would make the website look better. For my artist's website to improve i think i will add more detail on the artist'st website and add more desgin to the website to give more creativity. 

Overall, I think that my artist website is really good. I chose secondary colours that don't mix together but made the colours contrast together with the artist's website and merch and with the posters , I could've improved more on the website as well with adding more detail to the website and giving the website unique effects. The campaigns that I made was very successful and I think that I would personally listen and buy merch off the artist website as my artist's website looked very professional.


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