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Advertising  Productions 

What are advantages of advertising Broadcast, Print and Web-Based ?


Advertising through Broadcast formats are great ways to market a product because it provides a highly targeted audience , this can expose that brand to a much larger  audience initially than online advertising , such as Tv and radio , these advertising drives all other forms of promotion. Viewers may be using multiple devices while they watch tv but they are far from being disengaged with the content. 
Advantages of broadcast
. Advertising builds trust
. boots sales 
. reaches vast audiences


Print allows you to choose a publication that your target audience is most likely to read. This can be a trade magazine that caters to a specific industry or a local newspaper. This is why many say print is better at reaching local audiences.local and specialist publications can help you reach a targeted audience. an engaged audience who may be looking for coupons and deals. different advertising options to suit your needs and budget.

Web- Based

Online advertising gives us much more control. Websites such as Facebook and Google can tell us who to target, based on their profiles and search history. This allows us to target key messages specifically to those people who are most likely to purchase

  • Attract Targeted Audience. 

  • Better Brand Engagement & Optimization. 

  • Cost-Effective & Time Efficient.  

  • Measurable. 

  • Quick & Convenient Delivery. 


What are the Disadvantages of Broadcast , Print , Web-based advertisement 


It takes a pretty penny to secure a spot on prime-time television and radio. It's competitive and challenging to get the attention of decision-makers. It might be harder for new companies without street-cred to get featured

  • Frequency is essential. Some studies have proved that TV adverts are more effective when they are repeated. 

  • It is difficult to make changes.  

  • It is difficult to target your audience.  

  • No guarantee it will be viewed. .

  • TV advertising is in decline. 

  • Difficult to analyse and track results.






  • it can be hard to measure effectiveness, readership figures don't tell you how many people really see your ad, and response rates can be low

  • competition - your advertisement will appear alongside many others, and readers could miss it

  • dwindling readership rates - print media is becoming less popular in favour of online content




Ad Space


Not all the ad spaces are sufficient for a business to advertise about their products. Hence, they might need to be creative enough to display the ad inside the small space. However, working with the limited ad space might not be working for every business. There are many other advertising options they may choose to consider.




Plenty of companies try to market their products through web advertising due to the potentials involved in it. For an example, same products from different brands will be competing for their visibility in web advertising. Depending on the market and products, the competition can be fierce.


  • Ad Space. Not all the ad spaces are sufficient for a business to advertise about their products. ... 

  • Competition. ... 

  • Customer Distractions. ... 

  • Data Sharing. ... 

  • Illegal Clicks. ... 

  • Technical Problems






What are some of the challenges that face advertise when distributing on different platforms? 

Advertising Challenges

  • Reaching the right targeted audience.

  • Allocating enough budget.

  • Scalability.

  • Competition.

  • Relying on one marketing channel.

  • Downplaying the power of emotions.



Some challenges that advertisers face when distributing on different platforms would be,  how advertisers have to make sure they distribute the right information on the right platforms, that would appeal directly to their target audience through being fully aware of what type of platforms would interest their intended target audience best. Also, another challenge is that companies that have always advertise in traditional channels they might struggle to adapt to advertising in social media




What does the increase in digital consumptions mean for traditional forms such as print media.

Target audience 

Mass Audience

The means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio.


Niche Audience

A niche audience is a more focussed subgroup of the broader market's target audience. The niche audience has a specific group of needs, which can be met by a targeted product or service. 


Demographic- a particular sector of a population


Psychographics is the qualitative methodology of studying consumers based on psychological characteristics and traits such as values, desires, goals, interests, and lifestyle choices. 


Geodemographics are consumer segmentation models created by aggregating demographic attributes within a specific geographic area. Variables related to age, gender, education level, income, and more reveal lifestyle segments that can be applied to marketing, retail planning, and site selection analyses.



These are the most common Characteristics : geographic location,  gender identity, age, ethnicity,income, or level of formal education

Young & Rubicam's theory- A psychometric method of categorisation developed by Young and Rubicam:

  •  The Explorer – Need for discovery and desire to be different.


  •  The Aspirer – Focus on how others view them, tries products for looks and focuses on their status.


  •  The Succeeder – Strong goals and very responsible. Aggressive attitude to life, looking for control.


  •  The Reformer – Intellectual and tolerant. Doesn’t buy just because it's new, looks for enlightenment.


  •  The Mainstreamer – Desire to fit in with society. Sticks with value for money, striving for security.


  •  The Struggler – ‘You Only Live Once’ approach. Focuses on the present, looks for a sense of escape.


  • The Resigned – Has unchanging values. Is likely to stick with what they’re familiar with.

In Order to appeal differnt categories , brands and advertisement will have to use differnt methods andtechniques such as : a Aspirers , they seek staus within society , and will generally consume brands that refelct their status 

Why is Young and Rubicam's theory reffered to as being cross-cultural?

What products might be advertised to each category of young and Rubicam;s theory? 

Product that would be good for a advertised to an Aspirer would be a Designer , this is someone high in society , this is because an aspirer are people who care about how other people think . They are very wealth and attractive . For succeeder would be , books , that tagets the self improvement , maintaining successful. This would be beause succeders portray themselves. Products to advertise explores , would be about exploring and discovering things . For Reformers product to advertise , would be looking into social media. For Mainstreamers would advertise game products , this is because they are very into game products , Fpr stugglers they would avertise , people heavily involved into Entertainment as their a group focused on core motivation . For the product for Resighned , would be comfortable furniture , as they are nrmally peoplr who are old. 

Define the difference between parody, pastiche and satire.

The difference between all of these would be, how a pastiche focuses on an artistic work in a style that imitates that another work. Such as a parody and a statire , focuses mainly on mocking and making the the focus seem ridiculous, raising laughter in order to , humble, or discredit its targets.


Persuasive Techniques

Parody Advert


Pastiche Advert 


Satire Advert


Pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience and elicits feelings that already reside in them. Pathos is a used most often in rhetoric, as well as in literature, film and other narrative art.


the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.


Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. 


LAA: Core Assesment 

For my broadcast advertisement , I have Chosen a JD Sports advert , advertising Christmas . This was released in November 6th 2021 . This is a great way to help support my target audience because my target audience is aimed at children who are familiar with the brand JD Sports and that loves Christmas  . In this advert the character's that help promote the new Trainers are all influencers such as rappers , actors , Instagram models and the original model members that represent JD . The reason why I chose this advert for my Broadcast is because this can be seen around the whole world  and will help reach a larger audience people that don't know about the new product coming out , also another reason on why I think this was a good example of broadcast is because the people in the video are familiar faces seen around social media , this is a great point as using people that the audience can connect with and influences them to get the product that is being advertised. In the JD Sports advertisement the use of Visual effects such as : CGI which has a great techniques that has been used to show cohesion within the advertisement , this can also be used to intrigue the audience watching and to keep their full attention.  

To start the Advert off it begins  with using a foley sound with a phone ringing 
with a establishing shot over it , the camera then shows the boy answering the phone , this is to show continuity in the advert . As the boy is walking he budged pass ab artist called KSI , from this point this can be intriguing for the audience to see as they have seen a familiar face this is meant to be a eye catching moment to see someone that is familiar to the eye. Throughout the advert shops are being showed with the same letters as the logo For JD , this can give an idea to audience on what the topic of the advert is based on .  Influencers are in a group playing around and CGI is being used to freeze them and have a deep zoom in into the male's shirt into a next scene showing a cafe, this shows the use of visual effects to show a transition between two scenes . while these transitions , diegetic sound and background sounds are being use to engage the audience on what the main character is listening to and also there are background sounds to hear the other people , this is create a sense of realism. In the next shot is it set in a high key area where everything can be seen from the audience, the lighting is important as it is easier for the audience to view the action. The transition used in this shot was a sped up pan as an object was thrown across the room . this create a little exaggeration to keep the viewers interested in the product. Slowing of freezing the action is throughout the advert , this is a sense exaggeration , this is a editing skill to freeze or slow down the action for the viewer to assume that it is intriguing . Wide angle has been used in this advertisement to show the different location in the advert , this use of camera work helps the audience stay on track. Also the use of the shot reverse shot is used to show a conversation between two people . Close up and reaction shots were used throughout the advert , this is used to catch things that are important and also to catch the character's facial expression , such as the footballer Jude Bellingham is wearing a pair of the new shoes and the camera focuses on it to show the audience a glimpse of the trainers then it moves the footballer's face to show who is wearing the trainers.

in this advert some elements of mise-en-scene are shown firstly with costume. In the Advert all the character's in the advert are advertising the product by wearing the product , this is to create meaning for the audience that the advert is all about the product. During the advert props were being used to help promote the product sold to the audience such as Aitch (rapper) is seen throwing food towards the main character and he catches the food with printed on the food J.D , this what to tell the main character where to go. For the setting , it was placed on the street for it to have a sense of realism , the setting changes to show different parts of the setting and how it can link to the main topic of the advert. The lighting that was used to set the advert were low key lighting as it was set at night this help to see the character's facial expression. NVC on the character's showed excitement , this can tell the audience by using their facial expression can tell the viewers that its a good product to buy. 

In terms of audiences, this advert would be shown to two audiences. One of which that is primarily targeted towards is a mass audience, because the advert's main character is a teenager  which  could imply that the product can be made for teens age 15+ this can be helpful by using teenagers as they are stereotyped to into the latest fashion that is popular on social media. Another audience that the broadcast advertisement would be shown to is mass audience because other audiences would be engaged by this advertisement despite it being primarily aimed for teenagers , this is because JD Sports are an international company that is run around the world , so they keep up with major holiday's. This can interest the viewer by the interesting visual effects that teenager assume that is cool , also the use of popular faces seen on social media would help attract the viewer's eye and attract them to buying the product. With using Young and Rubicam's Theory, this advertisement would fall into mainstream as its showing  character's  representing the  products from a brand which are a value for money. This is effective as it encourages young people to shop at JD Sports for the newest and coolest clothes.

Advertisers in this ad uses persuasive techniques that is effective in this sector of advertising. This type of advert would fall into a pastiche advert as visual effects wouldn't be apart of a simple advert, this was used to create a funny response from the audience. Another element of persuasive techniques that this advert has is pathos. The use of pathos has been used in this advertisement as it appeals to the audience emotions in a  positive way. this is used to make the audience laugh and have excitement while watching. This advertisement reinforces Donald Gunn's Theory of advertising as this ad would come under type 12 which is parody or burrowed format. This is because it matches the criteria here as it represents a brand while using familiar faces the audiences has seen , this can be shared by teenagers to help promote the product . 



For my print Advert , I have chosen a Pepsi to represent a print advert, by the look of the advertisements layout is professional and simple with just the object in the enter on the page. Through out the advert The use of colour scheme is cohesive , the colour of the product is blue which is shown through the background as well. The use of font show that there is cohesion, The font used for 'Summer Time' is is yellow , this connotes yellow as a sunny and joyful colour, its used to represent summer as warn and bright. Pepsi Time is in the colour blue this is used to help show cohesion with the product. The use of the background also helps show cohesion from the blue can to the ice shown together in the background. The type of audience that the advertisers wanted this advert to reach to are niche audience. This is because the advert contains unique elements that would aimed at a specific target audience. The target audience would be 13-32 year olds as they are the audience that would likely to be appealed from looking at this print advertisement in first sight as young people have creative mindsets and imaginative ideas. This advertisement also includes elements of Young and Rubicam's Theory which makes this ad falls under explorers.   

Including codes and convention , at the bottom in the centre the name of the brand is there to present their brand towards the audience , This convention is useful as it shows the audience the company that is being advertised which will lure in the right audience to encourage them to consume their products. Another appealing convention that is displayed on this print advertisement is the slogan. The slogan says "Summer Time Pepsi Time" This slogan is pretty strong in itself as it could evoke some mixed reactions within the audience. One of which would be a good reaction. The use of this slogan may imply to the audience that by drinking their product, they can enjoy themselves during the summer. 

The advertisers included some great persuasive techniques into this Pepsi print advertisement that is effective here. This advert falls under a parody type of ad. This technique that the advertisers used is effective here as it implies to the audience that you should enjoy your summer and live your life to the fullest. They may also find it expressive as the Pepsi drink is seen splashing through the background which implies to the audience that if they drink Pepsi they will have the characteristics of being expressive. This print advertisement resembles Donald Gunn's Theory on advertising as it comes under two types. One of which is type 11 which is unique personality property. Another type it also comes under type 10 which is associated user imagery as it showcases someone that is associated in this product in a humorous way for the audience which could give them an impression that Fanta has a great sense of humour and being invested in their company and their products.



For my online advertisement, i have chosen an ad from Nike. The reason i chose this is because Nike is a big company that is known around the country and had many collab's with other companies. Mise-en Scene has been shown through the colour scheme as red is shown on the trainers and behind the text Iron Man is also shown in red. Nike has collab with the Marvel to help show off the inspiration of the trainers as the trainers is in cohesion with Iron Man. The use of props is to help tell the audience what the main topic is about , such as Iron Man, it is used as a prop to help keep the audience intrigued. The background shows Iron Man standing showing off the suit and representing the trainers. The lighting used is low key lighting so that you can see the outline of the suit , high key lighting has been used to help show light towards the trainers. The colour black connotes , powerful, sneaky and dangerous, the colour of the trainer is red and gold , these colours are to signify Power, aggressive and violence. These all signify a males stereotype. The use of font in this ad is bold and in a serif font , "The sneaker makes the man" this is used to direct this to males as a message as if a male buys the product he will be seen as a man.

Nike is such a big company and has billions of users using or have used their products for their day to day activity and have a big audience to support that. This online advertisement would be shown to a mass audience because most people in the world know of Nike and has a huge fanbase around it to help advertised them. Their target audience would be late teens such as 16-32 year old. This age group would be known to have heard of or seen the company, as young teens are into the latest fashion that runs in today's society. It's also shows that majority of teens have Nike products. Nike is using someone familiar to the public eye so that it can keep the audience intrigued into the product , this can also help the company grow their popularity inside the company.  This method is effective from Nike as this will make the audience try it out themselves and even make them buy the product. This advertisement shows elements of Young and Rubicam's Theory as it falls under mainstreamers. This is because the advertisers want people to try out Nike's products and to spread the products to other people. 

This online advertisement has codes and conventions. First is branding. In this advert, the Tick on the trainers is the logo for Nike, this is there sign so that audiences know what company it is, another convention is that the slogan is visible for the audience to see, having your slogan visible is important for the viewer to get understanding. 

This advertisement shows some persuasive techniques which are appealing for the audience. This type of advertisement would come under ethos as Nike is a brand with high expectations, meaning they have to be reliable if they want to be consistent with maintaining a variety of customers and ethical. This advertisement  features parody, pastiche or satire as it is the official advertisement from Nike. This is done to their best of ability so that their target audience can be satisfied with the content given. Some viewers can view the ad  differently such as It can evoke their brand negatively or as a joke that some viewers will see it as inappropriate . According to Donald Gunn's Theory of advertising, this ad would fall under type 9 which is symbol, analogy or exaggerated graphic. This is because it visually shows the benefit of the product by the text that says 'The sneaker makes the man' which implies that the shoes are made for men.


Task 6 Fashion Advertising 

Audience Research 

High Fashion
High street fashion, refers to the clothing you can buy in the malls or streets in ordinary towns and cities. In addition to this, it's clothing that is readily available for purchase by the public rather than being custom-made by fashion designers, like high-end fashion. A list of these examples on the British high street include: Primark, New Look, and Matalan.

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Font Covers of Print magazine normally use familiar face the asudience can recognise this is used to grab the audience attention and would be a higher chance for the magazine to be sold out , This can be used as a trend whereas a familiar face towards the audience will grab attention and will continue to intrigue them. The masthead is always the biggest text pf the front cover including different typography to the coverlines . The use of huge typography is used to intrigue the audience.  Small Typography used is to represent information for the audience and to fine new interest , the reason why using small typograpghy is important to inject new information. Such as in the magazine the text says "Zendaya is a rebel with a cause " this information is used to tell the audience a bit about the main character on the magazine. 


Apparel manufacturers produced their fashion products into follow three main categories of fashion. Although these categories are may be split up into more specific.


Haute couture fashion.

Ready-to-wear fashion.

Mass market fashion.



Camera work 


Usually the camera techniques are long shots, wide angle , extreme close up , mid shot of subjects. Fashion advertising also uses alot of high angles for selling products like shoes sunglasses etc.



Fashion magazines are the most well-known and easily accessible source for readers to learn current trends. Their main purpose is to disseminate fashion news, styles, and trends to the reader .Fashion used to be mostly caucasian but as time has past and diversity is a requirement fashion brands have started to use more diverse models,such as Zendaya , Rhianna etc. these are all people that have history in the media and have been called upon being on magagzines as well to help boots both brands. They have also done this with sexuality , this make more advertisements  , they mostly only do this as they know that including more diversity in their products and advertisements will earn them more money. 



In Magazines Mise-En-Scene is one of the moest imporatnt thing about magazines. Women typically wear revealing clothing, this is used to sexualise women for a heterosexual males eyes in advertisement while men usually wear smart clohing , this is used to fitthe stereotype of men as strong and powerful.  In recent years, men are wearing more feminine costumes such as dresses which subverts stereotype. The setting is usually blank background with high key lighting. As in these magazines , they are from the same company. In these magzines both magazine are revealing , but this is more subverting the stereotype of genders , because in the magazine on the left it is showing the female in a long dres , this could tell the audience that she is protective as the clour she is wearing connotes nature , protective. As for the magazine on the right this is showng a male wearing a open chest shirt with ruffles, this is revealing the males chest and this subverts the gender norm as men are not seen wearing rufled shirts. 



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They use bold, bright colours for the fonts to make stand out and easy to attract the audience , this can be mainly aimed at females. 

Stock Situations
They are to be clear and easy to view. Fashion magazines genrally don't have much in terms of narrative, a lot of information is giving just to give the reader enough information for them to be intrigued.

Market Analysis


Fashion advertisements are mainly made for people middle age and younger. This could be because people over middle age wouldn't care as much about fashion. Fashion advertisements would focus more on women than men. Women are steroetyped to care about beauty and fashion. Women  care more about fashion than men do and women often will spend more money on fashion products than men do. Fashion products are often expensive so people with a middle class income and higher would be targeted for their products as they would be more likely to buy the products then people lower then middle class. 


Fashion products are for people that are heavily invested in social media and prefer to be in public/with friends. These type of people care about their public appearance and care about how people view them as being prescentable. They often let peoples opinions change their thoughts feelings.



Fashion advertisements will often vary depending on which country the advertisement is located. This is because fashion is represented different in other countries for example in the uk black and white coloured clothes could be more popular whereas in France bright colours might be used more. Fashion can also depend on the wealth of the country this is because the company making the fashion product wouldn't be able to sell expensive products in a lower class country but would be able find the product online. 

TASk 7: Source AUDIENCE Information

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Majority of peple are 17 which helps me justfy my primary research on my target audience. 

I asked what style my target audience would preffer and majority of the target audience preferred street wear and  the rest 20% each of people said thta they like vntage , smart wear and casual wear

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I asked how often people watch adverts , 50% said often and the remainder said not so much. only have of my tagert audience watch adverts. 

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majority of my question that i aksed. Their was 60% of male and 40% of females . this is showing that their are more men that cold watch adverts more than females . 

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I asked my audience if the wear face ask and in return they responded with given 40% said they wear mask , 40% said maybe and the rest of the 20%, said they wear mask.  

I aksed my audience if they like designs or logos on their face mask , in response 60% of my target audince said they might like it , and the rest said that the would preffer logos . this helps me to see how many people like logo. 

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To udestand my audience a little more i asked what colour they would like on their face mask. The response i got was they would have : red, blue,black and purple. 

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I asked my target audience what platforms theu receive the most information about adverts , in return they responded with 66.7% of people recive their information from web-based , 33.3% of people said they recieve their information from Broadcast . As they were the only options i knew that i shouldnt use print papers to attract my audience. 

What demographics and psychographics will you target the advertisment?
The use of Demographics i asked my target audience how old they are , by asking your audiece how old they are will help you understanding how to portary ypur advert to your audience , majority of my taget audience are aged 17 , this could mean that their choice of designs might be different t the people that are aged younger. I also asked what gender thet are , this could help to design the advert to the gender. 

The use of Psychographics , i asked my target audience 'would you wear face mask / what mask would you wear' , the reason why i asked my taget audience if they would wear face mask or what type of mask they would wera , this would give e an idea that would tell me what type of mask to use and what colour mask my target audience would enjoy , this is to help understand what the audience would want. 

What fashion products most commonly appeal your chosen demographics and psychographics?
I asked my target audience what type of logo they wold like on their face mask , in their response 60% of my tageted audience responsed with maybe , this might be postive because haveing logos/designs will help attract new customers and wil continue to keep the existing customers intrigued. 

How do you intend to appeal to the audience through the overall style of your advert? (e.g. use of fonts, colours etc.).

Overall, the style of my advert will be more unique as it will  stand out and attract new customers. As a example: the fonts I will use are chosen by the audience, Bold and handwritten, in my opinion i think that using bold and handwriiten font can help bring out the genre , for example using handwritten fonts can help tell the audience the genre for the advert. Furthermore, I will be using colours that match the oriental theme, such as Black ans silver. Also, linking with the model, I've decided to use  young model that are close to my tageted audience so they can get a clear understanding on how thereown age group would look like.

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Taks 8: Source Interactive Material

My ideas for my Advert 

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Print fashion Advertisment images 




Primary Images 

My Images for my mask Advert


Preparation of text materials 

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The font that i have chosen is "Harmony", the reason why i chose this font is because i think that it coordinates with the hip-hop genre very well for my advert. My slogan that i will be using as my masthead will be " The Boyz from the Hood" , In my opinion i think that this help contrast the image of the advert and also can help tell a story on why mask are being worn in the image.

The colour scheme, for my advert will have a lot of creative objects in the background , including fairy lights , chairs etc. the use of colour in the background will help bring more meaning to my image for my advert, such as blue , blue connotes as : happy, peace , respect. my model will be wearing all black , this is to give a diverse on colour and meaning as wearing black connotes: protected, dark, isolated, violent, these tw colours have a strong meaning and could be good used together. 

the location where i took my pictures was at The Asylum Chapel , this location showed colourful background and would be great for my advert. 


Preparation of Visual Materials 

Drawn Draft




This is one of my ideas to use as my logo for my Advert , the reason why i think that this is a good logo because i think it represent the name of the company right and it will fit for the genre of Hip-hop 


This is my second draft for my logo for my advert, I am going to be using this logo for my advert, because I think this is a better logo to represent hip-hop and give a sense of creativity to the audience . as said in my planning i used a serif font to create the bold and unique 


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These are my Digital draft of my advert. I first did my logo for my advert , i added double' R ' logo. I used this logo just to help the logo stand out and easy for the audience to remeber, with that i added the name beside both sides reading the logo, as one side of the letter of the logo is upside down i kept the letter staright so the audience can read what it says. For my idead for my logo , i would like the colour to be in white so that it is eye-catching, i want to fade the logo a lil so that it can have a degins to the logo. For the main image i used two males as my models i have deceided to use male models as in the model industry there isnt as much males as females. also the two males are dressed differnt and this is to represent the differnt style in customs. 




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Changes has been made where i have moved the logo to the top and the centre , this is a better way to catch the audience attention, also i added i cae up with an idea to put the brand name beside the logo so it can have a sense of cohesion and easy for the audience to see . 

The next i was adding to my advert was the logo of the brand 'Ross&Rossi' and first i thought it would be a great idea to have the logo at the bottom inbeteween the models , now that i look back at it i dont think it a good idea to put the logo at the botom because it won catch the audience eyes, Also i changed the slogan of the advert to white and used each each of them to  get lighter going down , this is placed in the centre between the two models. 

Here i have kept the same sloagn for the advert and added the name of the brand Ross And Rossi , By adding the brand name i thought it was too small for such a big picture and framed in a Mid shot , here is where i am just exploring and seeing what can go with the image and to see other option to see what can be improvemnt on the advert. 

This is my first attempt to edit my advert , i first added the name of the brand of the advert , The name 'The Boys From The Hood' is the name where i present two boys that are dressed differently. There hasnt been any changes. 

Here i have changed the font of the slogan name to a more classic font colour in white so that it can stand out to the audience i also made them go down in a shade where they get lighter, this is just to create an effect and show creativity. 

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For my final touch ups on my advert i have made my logo bigger and placed it in the centre so it is eye catching , i have also made the slogan bigger and bold so it it ca bra the audienes attenion 


The boys from the hood FINAL T .jpg


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