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Angle shot 
            &                     Framing 

Extreme Long Shot 

Extreme Long shot focus is on the location, there is no subject or the subject is far away 

Long shot 

Long shot is where the camera is focused on the subjects whole body from head to toe 

Median Long Shot 
Mid Shot 
Mid Shot.jpg

Median long shot is focused on the subjects features from the knee up  

Mid shot is focused on the subjects torso from head to waist 

Median close up 
Close up
Big close up 
median close up .gif
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Median Close up is focused on the subjects torso, from head to chest 

Close up is focused on the subjects profile ,from head to shoulders 

Big close up is focused on the subjects facial expressions, from head to mouth 

Extreme Close up 

Extreme Close is focused on a specific facial elements, such as eyes ,lips etc 


Birds/Worm Eye View 


A shot taken from directly above/below ,looking down/looking up on the action 

High/Low Angle 


A shot taken diagonally above/below the action looking down 

Canted Angle 

Wide Angle 


An unbalanced shot, where the camera itself it place at an unorthodox angle 


 A shot taken from distance in order to frame more than two subjects at the same time

Two Shot

Over The Shoulder 


A shot taken from eye - level, that frames two subjects in the same time at the same time 


A shot take from being a subjects shoulder , engaging with the conversation 

Point Of View 



A shot taken from a subjects line of view , allowing the audience to see what the subject sees 


A shot taken from an extreme distance, always at the start of a scene  




Camera moving left or right , in or out following the subjects movement  ( Dollying )


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Camera lens move in or out the subjects ,the lens move but the camera stays stationary 

Camera move up or down only , the camera remains in a stationary position 



Camera move left or right only , the camera stays in a stationary position 



Hand - Held 

hand held.gif

Camera follows a subjects movement while physically attached to a camera operator 

Camera is not mounted therefore has a jerky action , creating a sense of realism  

Task 1

- Research 

What is a 'Single Camera Production '


The single - camera setup , or the single - camera mode production , also known as the portable single camera, is used for filmmaking and video production. 




  • Less expensive

  • catch fast shots  


Limitations :

  • Time consuming 

  • Editing is limited 

  • Continuity ( More Chances of mistakes ) 

What is Multi-Camera Production 


The multiple-camera setup is a video production method where several cameras record or broadcast a scene at the same time. The concept of multi-camera filming is simple: multiple cameras are used during a shoot to film one subject.



  • Helps with Time 

  • Lots of editing options 

  • Continuity ( Less Chance of mistakes ) 



  • Capturing others in camera shot 

  • Expensive 

  • It can slow you down 

TASK 2 -


A documentary film or documentary is a non-fictional motion-picture intended to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record".Social-media platforms such as : YouTube , have provided an avenue for the growth of the documentary-film genre. In documentaries they often use more of multi-single camera and single cameras , these are used for the purpose of different angles and are taken of real people and real events which when edited together creates a particular story , viewpoint , message or experience. 


TV Dramas 

Tv Dramas are groups of episodes of a television program broadcast in regular intervals with long break between each group , usually with one year between the beginning of each . Tv Dramas like : Barry, Transparent and Casual are all single-camera shows that play in the realm this is because their are certain sets builts for actors that might return often so that helps the directors to use a single - camera . Tv Dramas that have multi-camera are the ones that occur on the same set over and over again . they run three or four cameras all at once , spread all over the sets to make it easier to catch facial expressions and movements of the actors,


Youtube Vlogs 

Youtube vlogs is a type of blog where most or all of the content is in a video format. Some bloggers even use it , to share personal journeys , entertainment ,new performance art or music they have created. Youtube bloggers mostly use single- camera as they are using more of hand-held to show realistic and also shows a jerky action. They use single-camera because it would better to hold one camera than many as many bloggers have more movements . In some bloggers videos depending on what the target of the video is based on they will use multi-camera to catch different angles such as skits , but this is unlikely so see every blogger using multi-cameras. 


Soaps & Sitcom

 Sitcom are television series that involves a continuing cast of characters in a succession of comedic circumstances such as :situation comedy ,radio or television comedy series .the single camera format allows for more exploration. which easily fluctuate between writing a sitcom or hour-long drama. Shows such as  “Friends” and “The Big Bang Theory” use Multi-camera that are typically shot on a sound stage in front of a live studio audience.  But each is a single-cam show there's not a multi-cam used for these soaps. 



Advertisement means it is used for communicating a promotional message. Examples include online banners, radio spots, billboards, television advertisements or in print media, ads in newspapers.  Advertisement uses single - camera as they mostly need to catch one thing at a time so it makes it easier to use the camera on a subject. Not as often multi-cameras are used only in certain situations where there is lots of movements and to catch every little detail. 


Sports Events 

Sports Events are whether or not people play or watch sport, are aware of sport through the media. This includes local, national and international sport. From school sport newsletters to worldwide TV coverage, the media is a powerful voice for and influence on sport. Sports events mostly use multi-cameras to show different angles and shots of the sport whether it is tennis or football , there is always many cameras around catch from a far distance or a very big close up. 


Task 5 - Settings 


The lens of a camera is used to magnify an image. When composing a shot, filmmakers also consider what will be in focus. Depth of field is a term which describes how far the camera can see into the distance. A pull focus is when filmmakers shift the focus from one object to another.




Aperture means the opening of the lens, when the camera shutter button is pressed the hole of the camera is opened and allows the camera image sensor to catch a glimpse of the scene being captured .



The meaning of ISO is that its measuring of a digital camera sensor's, and how sensitive it reacts to light 



the distance between the sensor inside the camera and the point at which the rays of light converge once they've entered the lens. This focal length determines two things: the angle of view ,which is how much of a scene will be recorded as well as the magnification

focal length.jpg


Shutter speed is exactly what it sounds like,  the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure for the amount of light the camera takes in while a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure . 




In the beginning of the Tesco advert the first shot used was a wide shot showing the subject from a far distance in order to catch more than subject in the frame, the camera then starts to zooming in slowly to get a better view of what the subject is looking for, this helps the audience to stay connected with the objective of this advert. The camera then starts to track the subject slowly following the subject walking, then stops to allow the subject to continue walking out the frame of the camera, the camera then cross cut to the car to make the car the main focus of the advert. The camera then starts panning as the object is moving across the camera. Shortly after that the camera shows a wide low angle shot at stationary position to show the moving object passing through. This is to show the audience the setting of the scene . The camera then moves onto a steadicam showing another object that is stationary and to show the different between the main subject compared to the object that is not needed . The sound effects in this scene is to help contrast what the main point of the advert is. A long shot is then taken to show the subject from head to toe , this is to help the audience understand that there is a different setting and to also show that there are other subjects behind. To keep the subject in focus , the producer would have to use a median Aperture of F5.6 for the subject to be in focused and for the subject behind to be a bit blurred , this is shown to show who the focus is, also the producer would have to use an ISO of 1600 to help measure out the light and how sensitive the camera reacts to the light. The camera then alternates to a High angle to show what the subject is looking at , this helps the audience connect with the subject and to help the audience to follow the objective of the advert. Following this the camera angle changes to a Mid shot from a distance to show what the subject is looking at and to see the facial expression of the subjects face. A wide shot is taken to show the previous subject still looking confused as the main subject is passing through . This portrays to show both subjects in the same shot . A Wide shot is shown so that the moving subject can go pass while also focused on another subject with similar sound effects. The next shot is taken from inside of the subject vehicle showing a Point of view shot while moving pass another vehicle , Panning was next used using a different location while following a subject across the scene, the main subject passes through the previous scene to show that there is a correlation between both settings. A wide shot is taken and uses a steadicam to slowly rise showing the moving object is moving away from the camera , the wide shot is to show the difference between the main subject and the other subjects surrounding the main .This is to tell the audience that there is a difference and to stay focused on the object that is standing out. Point of view was used at a low angle to show motion the object was moving in, also steadicam might have been used as the shot is a very smooth shot. this also shows that there is another object exactly the same to the main objective and the other subjects surrounding the Amin subjects are different . Steadicam is used to show the subject getting out of the vehicle , the camera then changes to an over the shoulder shot to show who he subject is looking and communicating with , then the camera uses the shot reverse shot technique to alternate to the other subject to show the opposite subject reaction. The NVC is used to show communication between both characters this is shown through their facial expression , as in the advert, it is shown that the characters facial expression is portraying happiness as both characters looked at each other with a smile. This gives an idea to the audience that both characters have similar objectives  , as both characters vehicles are the same and the rest of the vehicles in the background are different to the two vehicles . As catching an over the shoulder shot the producer would have to blur the person directly in front of the camera to catch the person who the subject is talking to you and would have to use an ISO of 1600 and also would have to use an Aperture of F5,6 to catch the focus of the person who is talking.  A wide shot is used to show both characters departing from each other , this show the audience that the interaction between both characters has ended. 



        Teen wolf 

Season 1 Eposide 1 

Time :12:12 to 14:15

In this scene of Teen Wolf , The first shot shown was a median long shot to catch more than one character in shot and for the audience to see the background of the subjects. An over the shoulder was next used to show who the subject is speaking to , this is to help the audience stay connected with the conversation , the camera then switches to the opposite person to show the other subjects face this is using the shot reverse shot technique this is to stay connected with the subjects conversation and to also see the reaction of the subjects faces . After this a Two shot  and mid shot was used together to show two people in the same frame at the same time , this is to get a reaction of these two subjects , then the camera changes to a mid shot to that this subject is the main character of the show , also the main subject is on the right side of the frame to show the previous character still in shot and to show what they are looking at . as the main character is focus , the background behind the main subject is blurred , this shows that the producer used an high aperture of F4 to keep the background behind the subject blurred and the main subject is focused , as the scene is set outside natural lighting is used but just to keep the light the producer would have to use an ISO of 6400 this is to help keep the natural light stable. A median long shot is shown next to show the subjects position of standing this then bounces back to a two shot to show the two characters interacting with each other, a mid shot is shown getting the main subjects side profile and continues to cut to a two shot and a mid shot of the two subjects and the main subject. The camera then starts to zoom into the main subjects face to get the persons reaction of what the subjects conversation , the camera uses a mid shot and quickly zooms out to pan across to the main subject and quickly zooms in to catch the subjects facial expression to the loud noise made. This is to show the audience that the loud noise effected the main subject for the character to change his expression . The camera then uses a point of view to show what the main subject is seeing while experiencing pain . This helps the audience see what the subject see in their eyes . Tracking is next used to show a subject travelling , this is to show the the motion the subject is moving in , mid shot is shown using slow motion to show what the subjects physically throwing and zooms out to catch wear the ball is heading towards . The camera tracks the ball as its going towards the main subject as a great speed , the aperture would be at F5,6 as the ball is in focus point and behind it is blurred. Tracking is still being used as the moving object at great speed is moving across the camera . Mid shot is taken to show the moving object hit the main subject , this is shown to show the reaction of the main subject being hit by a ball , as the Mid shot is still being used the camera switches to another subject to catch the reaction of the persons face as watching the main subject being hit , this is also shown to catch other subjects in the backgrounds reaction , this is to show the audience that the characters are experiencing the same thing . A long shot is shown to show the main subject falling onto his back this is help the audience that the main subject has been injured. As the subject is on the floor there is more focus on the net behind the subject but as the subject rises his head the aperture and focus changes to be focused on the main subjects face , this is shown that focus pulled is being used for this shot.  Close up was next shown to show the main subject facial expression and how focused the person was . Next , a wide shot was shown to show the main subject and other subjects in the background , it also show the subjects in the background movements towards the main character. a close up is shown at the main subject as he catches the ball in his net then the camera angle loses focus and the focus is pulled to being focused on the subject to change the focus on the ball . wide shot is shown next to show the all the subjects in a line pull to each side showing their reaction to the main character catching the ball . An extreme close is shown at at the main subjects hand to show the motion of what the subject is doing , this helps tell the audience that the game the character is serious this also relates to NVC , the NVC used to connote the tightening of the subject grip on the handle this is to help the audience understand that the main subject is ready to play the game. Zooming is then shown as both the main subject and another character is starring at each other the zooming help show how tense the situation is . Then slowly zooming out the camera uses long shot to catch the characters movement as the character is running towards the main subject angrily , as the character shows emotion the focus would have to be ver clear to see the subject facial expression clearer , so the producer would have to use an Aperture of F11 to help portray the main subjects face it also help to blur the background so the audience can stay focused on the main subject. The focus of this shot becomes clearer as the character come closer to the main subject , so this shows that the producer would use the focus pull with this shot to show the focus change from the person running and the main subject. 


In 'Señorita' music video the first shot used was a medium close up this is shown to show the facial expression on the subject face, Then the shot went straight to a medium long shot to show the movement of the subject getting off the bike. The camera then changed to a different subject with a different sex showing that there is a diverse of gender in this music video. As the female is brought into the camera frame, the camera shows a long shot from her head down to her feet to show the movement of her walking , then slowly tracks her walking across the diner so the audience can be connected with the subject on where she is walking towards , the producer would have to use an aperture of F8 to keep the main subject in focused while the background is a little bit blurred to be more focused on the main subject. The camera changes to a long shot to follow the subjects body language and tilts down so the audience can follow the subject. With an extreme close up shown this is a change on being focused on the subjects face to a specific body part of the subject, this is continued and then bounced back to the subjects face still using extreme close up showing how the subjects facial expression is connecting to the audience . After being focused on one subject the camera then moves to a wide angle showing a collective of people moving around the area. The camera alternates to using a mid shot to showing both characters in the same shot and to later then shows as one character walks away . this is to show the audience a story between two characters . Next the camera showed a long shot with both characters showing interaction between them , the camera then changes to using a steadicam as both character were on a moving object , then showed a close up to show an emotional connection between the two character, this helps the audience to follow to storyline between the characters . As both characters are in the same area the lyric in the song said 'Don't you let me fall ' and as the character fell the camera showed a quick shot of a canted angle as both character were going down , this is to keep both character in frame as they are both moving. At this point the audience has connected to the characters storyline and understood the emotional attraction between two characters. Towards the end steadicam is used again to show that there is only one character on the moving object , to keep the focus clear as the object is moving at great speed the producer would have to use a fast shutter speed to catch the character in motion and to still be in focus, as a fast shutter speed reduces to the amount of light used. lastly camera uses wide angle to catch the characters figure and also the characters surroundings on where the subject is , to catch both the characters figure and the characters surrounding the producer would have to use an aperture of F8 to keep the character in focus and an ISO of 800 so that the background could be blurred .

LAB: core assessment 

The Lab Production Creates 

what you need before making a music video 

A risk assessment is very important to starting a music video as your cast and the team will need to know if there are any risk near or at the scene . this also helps to know if there are a high risk to the scene and to help lower the risk so that it is safe for the team and cast. this helps for your team and the cast to know the risk and safety issues that may occur during filming the music video, these are just guidelines to inform the cast of their safety. 

A shooting schedule is very helpful for a team to start making a music video , this is used to help the cast and the team to guide them with what days the team needs to film the cast and a plan on what time they will start filming to the when they end filming. The hours on set is a brief idea on how many hours the set might be.  

Shooting script is to Get a brief idea on what camera shots/angles that your team are going to be using and to know how many shots that the team will use for the music video. this can also help you stay on track and for the team to run fluidly and to have a structured Schedule for their music video. 

The location recce is important to know where the team is setting there scene and to know where the address of where the setting is, also the location recce is important to the cast to inform them if there are any facilities such as : toilet access , parking facilities , working space and if there are any areas for food and drink . 

An equipment booking is needed to help your cast know what camera lenses , batteries , chargers , and cameras used for the music video this is to stay fluid with the equipment needed and to keep the process consistent for the team to make no mistaken when filming. 

The video log sheet is important as you finish filming your music video. This is used to review your filming and to choose what shots are useful  in your music video , also it helps to log what takes was used as you may film the same shot many times with different takes , so this helps to know what takes was used. its also easier to log the shots used so its easy to edit the music video. 

My storyboard
  from beginning to the end 

a storyboard is always important first so the team and the cast can get a clear understanding on how the music video is going to be played out. 

The End !!

The Treatment 

Learning Aim : C

My Equilibrium 

My final full music video 




These are the logs we made documenting the journey through the making of the music video from the beginning to the end. we have made 9 logs all together and they all document how our music video was going to come out and what was needed to improve. 

Heres the questionnaire we made for our audience 


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In question 1 YES was the most picked answer, as the narrative was really clear to understand and to follow. 

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In question 3 YES was the most common answer. this is shown from the costumes of the characters as the costume represents R&B/RAP.

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In question 5 the most common answer was 8,9,10.i agree with these answers as the actors know the lyrics to the song, also the actors are seen comfortable with the lyrics in the music video. 


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In question 7 the most common answer was YES. in my opinion yes and no because, R&B/RAP are sometimes set in lower class areas , but also R&B artist are seen to be amazing in clothing. 

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In question 9 the most common answer was between 7,8,9,10. In my opinion I think we met the Brief as the music video has an variety of shots and angles and also different locations, which is targeted to 16-30 years of age, the only thing that was not met that the music video was just under 3 minutes 

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In question 2 the most common answer was between 8,9 10 , in my opinion I think these three answers was the most common because there was a variety of interesting shots and in different locations. 

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In question 4 YES was the most common answer as R&B/RAP is most common what 16-30 years old would listen to. 

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In question 6 the most common answer was between 7,8,10I agree with the answer as R&B artist are stereotyped to wear baggy clothing , puff jackets etc. 

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In question 8 the most common answer was 7,8,9,10. I think these answers were exact as there were a few technical issues in the music video, but overall the music video was vey enjoyable to watch. 

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In question 10 the most common answer is between 7, 8, 9,10. I completely agree with these answers as the costumes, the structure of the music video represent an R&B/RAP music video. 

My Feedback 

The feedback that I received was that in the music video the narrative needs to make more sense also the camera could be more still , the lighting could increase more as there were places in the music video that was dark. The feedback that I received helped me understand what I could more to improve for the next music video. 

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