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Unit 1 -

In this music 'You belong with me' By Taylor Swift , a lot of wide shot angles are used to show the environment and the setting of the scene 

Stereotypical Representation in Media  


In this Magazine it shows the male gaze theory as the female Is shown breast feeding her son that is standing on a stool, that looks around the aged of five. The costume of the female shows that she could be lower class , and the fact that there is no father in the picture could show that she is by her self and is struggling on how to handle her child. The prop of the stool shows that the child is old enough to stay by his mothers side but needs a stool to reach his mothers height. The look of the child looking at the camera shows that the child is getting the audiences attention on what is happening. As Lomg shot is used this is to justify that the child needs a stool to stand to get his mothers milk. 

Gaming Representations 

 This Character Lara Croft in Tomb Raider is portrayed as very strong women and has great power with her fighting skills. Lara Croft is a Swedish character that can also speak fluent Japanese, As the character is a fighter and is a female,  this shows a negative stereotype that females are meant to be weak and are never to fight , this correlates with WW2 . Towards the end of WW2 going into the 2000 from1991-92 female were officially allowed to fight in war , this shows that men and women were not equal to fight together as men are stereotyped as strong , great leaders, and aggressive .  As Lara Croft is a white female she is more portrayed as a pretty girl and would catch every mans eyes attention, also as her body is in great shape , this supports to show that that she is a very attracted person . and would stereotype that men are meant to me strong and females aren't . Lara croft is shown in the games that she is a very technical person is has great balance to hang of a tree branch and lands on the floor with a great kill . This shows that she is capable for being in a mans position in killing and self defence. As Lara Croft is the main character in this game and in films this stereotypes that female should always be behind a man and to never be in lead as men are portrayed as strong . 


The originals 4x13 

in the video it started with 

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