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Task 1 ! - Definition 

what is pre production? 

Preproduction is the process of gathering everything you need before actual production starts, which makes it an essential phase of the filmmaking process. An example of this is a elements of video production such as the script, casting, location scouting, equipment and crew, and the shot list all happen during pre-production.

What is the purpose of carrying out pre production?

The preproduction phase in filmmaking allows you to organize everything you need before you start rolling the cameras. Preproduction is when you figure out what you need to make your film, how much it's going to cost, and who you can hire to help you.

Why does pre production need to take place?

The preproduction phase in filmmaking allows you to organize everything you need before you start rolling the cameras.The most important phase of the production process is pre-production. This is where you make your bacon. It's where your storyboards, shot lists, and schedules are made which are all geared toward one purpose – to make your life easier during the shoot and in post-productionnsuring all parties involved are on the same wave length. Pre-production makes sure the rest of the production process runs as efficiently as possible.

What are requirements for pre production?


  1. Lock Shooting Script.

  2. Finalize the Budget.

  3. Start your Business.

  4. Hire Key Production Heads.

  5. Break Down the Script.

  6. Create the Storyboard.

  7. Scout & Secure Locations.

  8. Cast your Talent.


Pre-production is considered to be the most important stage of all video production because it incorporates all the aspects of your film that need planning for.

  • Location scouting should never be underestimated to the importance of your video. ... 
  • Permissions. ... 
  • Selecting your filming equipment.


What makes pre production different from production?

Pre-production is where preparations are made for the shoot. Production is where raw elements are recorded and post-production is where the images, sound and other effects of the recorded film are edited.

What makes Pre production different from Post- Production?

(Pre-Production) is where all the planning and coordination happens, phase two (Production) is when you capture all the elements that will be in your final video and phase three (Post-Production) is where all the elements get edited together and combined to create the final video.

Task 2 ! Types 

Finance is important in strengthening business finance because it helps companies take risks and grow. Businesses could do what they wanted without any financial support in the past. But now, with the increased use of technology and globalisation, businesses are becoming more reliant on money to accomplish their goals.

  1. Get Funding for a Film Through Grants and Fellowships. ... 

  2. Take Advantage of Tax Incentives for Filmmaking. ... 

  3. Secure Private Investment to Fund Your Film. ... 

  4. Make a Pitch for Product Placement in Your Film. ... 

  5. Get Crowdfunding Donations for Your Film



Time will be essential aspect with pre production as there would be substantial usage of time management to ensure task that contribute to the final outcome. An example of this used with pre production would ensure the cast character / he crew, to set a schedule the plan when the cast can be slot in for recording. The usage of equipment bookings would also contribute for time, as booking equipments has deadline for when it is needed for return. 




Facilites such as camera , tripods , camera rigs , lighting equipment etc. These certain facilities are not instantly available or expensive to buy outright , then outsourcing could be on an alternative to save money. 




Locations would be an essential aspect that would contribute to pre production. Also it is important for the production stage composing the film. A grey location should be suitable for he cast to show creativity. When looking for a location it should be more economic as it will be easy for the cast to shoot he film and to show a sense of realism. 




Materials within the prr production is very important as the use of materials help create an end project for the film /commercials. An example of this is to keep track of their materials that a is being used, so you can assign it to the cast member. story bored, shooting script and location reece is all important to have before filming. 



Personnel within production stages of film , Personnel required for he production of film/video , this should include: casting director , director of photography , sound , storyboard artist etc. It is necessary to hold a number of production meetings to monitor the budgets , timing , locations and many more. A key factor Contingency covers all the issues that might occur to filming such as : equipment failure , costumes malfunctions etc. 





The Code is not intended to be unduly restrictive, but aims at setting out good practice, reflecting the legitimate interests and concerns of those who may be affected by filming activities Whenever this document refers to film, the term includes all other visual media such as television, commercials, virals, corporate & music videos, cable, satellite etc. Permissions and information For filming activity to take place, permissions need to be granted by all the relevant agencies for example the Local Authority, Police and land/property owner.



When creating productions, copyright is something that can stand in the way, and can limit you. For example "music" copyright is one of the main limitations. When someone wants to use some copyrighted music in a film, they have to buy the rights to use the song, although this can be very expensive. Although in some situations, "fair use" allows copyrighted music to be used for free. For example if someone was doing a parody of a film, and used the same music from the film (for example star wars), then this would be under the "fair use" rule and they would not be breaking copyright law, by not paying for the music.  


Task 3! - Example 


Task 4 ! 



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