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Digital Magazine 


What is a Genre? 


Genre is a french word that means type or kind , this is a way to express the different type of films , television programes and other media text into groups that have things in common such as : the story, or the 'look' of a film, or the characters, the settings and even the way the characters dress. This can also be shown through differnt formats such as : Music , Magazines , video games etc. 

Website : media.edusites 


What is a Magazine?

 Magazine are also called periodical, a printed or digitally published collection of texts such as : essays, articles, stories, poems. they are often illustrated, that is produced at regular intervals (excluding newspapers). Magazine provides information that may be more in depth but less timely.  For example, a newspaper. A magazine can typically focus on trends or issues, and it can provide background information for news events.


Website : Britannica. com 

Print Magazines 


Print was a general-interest magazine, written by cultural reporters and critics who looked at design in its social, political, and historical contexts, from newspapers and book covers to Web-based motion graphics, from corporate branding to indie-rock posters.


Digital Magazines


A digital magazine — otherwise known as an online magazine or, once upon a time, an e-magazine — is a magazine that has been published digitally using the web or an app. Unlike print magazines, digital magazines can include links, more high-resolution images, video, audio, and web animations.

Websites :

The Differnce Between Print & Digital Magazine 

Print will always have its place, but digital allows much more flexibility to reach the audience on their terms. It's safe to say that print and digital will always co-exist together, seamlessly being integrated into our everyday lives.It can be less expensive than print media, depending on the details of each campaign.

Different catogories of Magazines 

  • General News Magazines 

  • Cooking Magazines 

  • Art Magazines 

  • Children Magazines

  • Fashion Magazines 

  • Tech Magazines

  • Businees Magazines 

  • Health Mgagzines 

  • Pet Magazines 

  • Travel Magazines

  • Culture Magazines 

  • Planes Magazines 

  • Driving Magazines 

  • Celebrity Magazines 

  • Animal Magazines ​​​


Different types of Magazines 

The Types are: Hard News, First Person Article,
Opinion Piece, Informational or Service Piece,
How-To Article, Personality Profile, and Think Piece.

LAA: Core Assesment 

Front Cover Convention Diagram 

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In print magazines to catch the readers attention , the importance of having virbrant colors to grab he reader attention. this can be with there main colours throughout the background. In this background there are three colours in this magazine, I have only used two of the colours to help show cohesion. Using less colours help the reader keep focus on the magazine .The headline for the magazine are presented in serif fonts , there are placed at the top left or the middle of the magazine, the main imgae of the magazine focuses on the art and entertainment , seeing this can catch the reader's eye and want the rest to be more invested with the information given. Using bold colours , are used to be the first thing the reader sees , these are section aroung the magazine with text within the colours  The connotesation of this magazine is that targeted audience from the age 14-20 years of age would be more interested in events of a famous musician.  Within the digital magazine there are mre benfits with a ditgital as print magazines because print magazine has been neglected . Given within the image this women dressed in all black , this connotes black has a fierce , dangerous colour , this could reposent the women as mean and fierce  also as for her facail expression she is representing a mean expression, As for her costume she is wearing revealing clothing to show of her body , this can be a negative and postive view , such as for negative affect it can be showing a women of the colour showing her skin to present as a female dancer , this idea from the reader can be taken by reading the column around the magazine, such as the top text where it says " Looks like a million bucks" . The postive effect can be showing the women as a beautiful women of colour, such as in the coloumn " Show Stopper,' this can seen as the women is a model . The magazine GO is a strong fanse for magazine as the artist chose for the magazine is a model and artsit , the magazine would have got recognition. This artist is known as Teyanna taylor who is a well know artist from her starting her career with a song with Beyonce , this gives the reader knowledge of who the model is . Teyanna Taylor's net worth is 5million dollars , joined with her husband which is a professional baseket baller.  The fonts used for the text surrounding the image are different fonts showing the different information given to the reader to read about to know what the magazine is about. This can help the audience engage in the page and show interest of themagzine this can help meet the needs between the readers . The different between a print or digital version of this magazine would have different opinions running wild .


Firstly , with using print magazines the positive use of using print magazine is that :

  • Attract a loyal audience

  • Can look and feel impressive, especially with high-gloss pages

  • Enjoy a long shelf life


The cons of using print magazines are: 


  • Have limited reach and frequency

  • Require a long lead time

  • Feature higher ad-to-editorial ratios, sometimes referred to as "clutter," which can irritate readers


Secondly for using a Digital magazine the pros of using digital magazines are:


  • using

  • Digital distribution costs are a fraction of conventional media distribution.

  • using


Digital magazines also has with complaints here are some cons of digital magazines: 


  • Not indexed for search or linkable; not cross-linked to older/newer content

  • Can be hard to read; requires zooming in and out

  • May add layer of confusion for readers


Overall i think that by using digital magazines are better because this can help get the magazine world wide and be spreader around the internet , its also much cheaper than printing which will help with less moeny be used, ather factor on why i think i will be better than printing is that it has a greater circulation and subscription. eventhough digital magzine come with some flaws such as : it can be hard to read , may add layer of confusion for the reader , not indexed for search or linkable . digital magazine would be more sustainable for magazines. 

Magazine Convention Diagram 

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In this magazine the denotation for this magazine that promotes :Women's Issues, Politics, Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment News , by Glamour which features a Young women that goes by the name of Selena Gomez.  This magazine also denotes Selena Gomez wearing a fancy cream dress that exposes her legs and chest , this can be objectifying the women, in so doing, the person becomes an object for others' sexual use rather than being seen as an individual with the capacity for independent agency. In the media in today's soceity it teaches girls that all they have to offer is their body and face, and they should expend all their effort on physical appearance. This magazine shows her sitting down in an upright posture , Using NVC her facial expression is presenting as excited , this can be showing the reader that there is sometimg to be excitement about and can draw the reader closer. In the background the Colour coralates with the colour scheme of the text , the use of the colour in the background is to help the main image stand out . Coverlines is used throughout the magazine which helps the reader to understand what the content of the magazine is about. The coverlines helps the reader to decide whether the magazine is interesting to read. The colour scheme for the font styles is Red and White , this is to give the chance to the reader to roam the magazine.  



Mise-En-Scene follows with features such as costume. As you can see from this magazine, the main subject is warring a fancy cream dress this can indicate that she is high in class or famous. Her Dress connotations to a fancy status, hegemony and wealth. This is to give the Reader a great impression. Next For props we can see balloons surrounding the women sitting down on a black lather coah. In use of the props can help the women present herself as posh and well put toghter for a women, this can catch a readers eye of the way the women is portraying herself. Gomez is wearing the dress with confindent and happiness this can be conflicting to some but as from a women perspective this can empowering to other women that come across the magazine. This prop is effective for this type of magazine as it is promoting women empowerment and fashion for women of this genre , which will needed to catch to targeted audience. In the magazine, 

 Lighting is shown very well in the front cover of this magazine. The type of lighting we can see is high-key lighting and the use of this is very effective as it shows it highlights the women very clearly , this is casting out the shadows visible in the front with the person. This goes to show how extortionate and precious the prop is as the light highlights it's importance and distinctiveness to the audience. It is clear that the editor's choices here are very effective as the lighting symbolises her outgoing character. We can also see this in her NVC where we can see her facial expressions are shocked with excitement and joy ,this can suggest that she is friendly , happy and filled with joy, this feeling toward the reader could have the same effect on the reader to where they feel the same way when looking at the magazine. 




Typography in this magazine is relatively limited. The fonts have been shown in different colours to help the reader look for information.  The font styles follows a basic font structure so it doesn't distract the audiences from the subject. In terms of colour schemes the colour of the font is red and white, the colour white connotes: purity, cleanliness, and peacefulness. The colour red connotes:  life, health and love. The masthead of this magazine is where the name of the brand with be following with a slogan at the top of the magazine which is helpful in letting people know the company of the magazine. The font style on the masthead follows a bold font which represents  females as fancy and outgoing and to seek attention. The size of the fonts useful because , it allows the reader to identify the important information. 




For the target audience for this magazine, it is mainly targeting women and how to empower them and to make them feel good about themselves. The Brand GLAMOUR is more focused on women featuring beauty, fashion, discounts etc. Magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire etc , do use a lot of females to promote their products but, this is in the way they are portrayed to the audience is different. This magazine is a digital magazine so it would appeal to late teens up, as teens and young adults are seen in today's society that materialistic things make a female feel better about themselves. As Digital magazines are starting to become more reliable it will be seen by a lot more people. 








In this magazine the denotation for this magazine promotes: Films that also have been in video games , music , technology etc. This is name of the brand is Total Film, this is a British media company founded in 1985 By Future Plc. The company has more than 50 magazines. The main image of the magazine is Alicia Vikander, she plays 'Lara Croft' in the film Tomb Raider in 2018. In the magazine it detonates that she is wearing a tank top with Brown cargo pants that looks over worn , also she has bandages around her arm and legs , this can suggest towards the audience that she is portraying herself as a fighter and a surviver, in the media this is a subvert to the gender norm as women are portrayed as weak. In this scenario she is represented as a strong and powerful women . the colour scheme in this magazine is orange and white , this colour Orange connotes : energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health, The colour White connotes purity, hope, purity, kindness, consideration, patience, . 



Mise-en-scene follows in features such as Costumes , As in the magazine Vikander is wearing a green tank top with brown cargo pants , this dennotates her as a fighter, tis indicates that she could be serving from something or someone. This also indicates that she might not be from a wealthy background. The use of her NVC shows her facial expression as serious and determined, this is presenting towards the audience that she is hardworking and strong. The posture that she is standing in shows that she is straightforward , with her chest upright, the position of her hand on her necklace is showing that she has a personal connection to the necklace , this can show the audience as she looks strong she might have a weak spot with an item that is on her neck. The lighting that is used in this magazine shows high-key lighting to highlight the main images face , this to help the reader see what the person looks like. The background also has high-key lighting to help brighten the main images costume , The colour scheme of the background is green, white . The use of these colour show cohesion with the main images costume , I also showed cohesion with the background I had around the images as well as using the boxes . For props the women has an arrow on her back , this can indicate that she is a warrior. Also , the use of props help tell the audience what the image is about. 



The main image shows the audience what the magazine is about and to create curiosity towards the audience to read more , the selling line shows a short and sharp description of the magazine such as in the magazine 'The smarter movie magazine" this is an visible description to the audience to give further information for the audience . The coverline in the magazine presents to the audience featured advertising inside the magazine , this is to draw the audience closer to the magazine to see other interesting features inside the magazine. the main cover line is a line of text on the front cover of the magazine briefly describing and promoting the content . The Puff in the magazine is a sticker effect on the magazine that adds a little information for the magazine brands. Lastly The Film Tagline on the magazine can refer to the plot of the film or suggest the experience that the viewer will have.


Typography  in this magazine is limited in some magazine but in this magazine , the fonts have been in different colours to help the reader to look for information. The font styles follow the basic font structure so it doesn't distract the reader from the main subject. the colour scheme is orange , light green , dark green and white these colours are cohesive with the magazine to show the reader that there is a sense of cohesion in the magazine. The white connotes purity , the orange connotes the bravery that the main subject has which also portrays the the subjects posture and the green connotes health. With this information as the reader it is easy to tell that the main subject has all of these qualities. In the masthead of the magazine , the font is in a bold font to help the name of the magazine stand out to the reader. the size of the font is useful towards the reader as it allows the reader to identify any new information on the magazine.


The target audience for this magazine is mostly aimed at young teens to adults that enjoy action movies that show bravery and risk taking, this can be useful for the reader as it is easier for the audience to engage more as there is a magazine that can relate to them. The brand TOTAL FILM is focused on movie related that promotes the movie e and other content related to the movie. 

This magazine is a digital magazine , so it would appeal to young teens going on adults as it is stereotyped that young teens-adults use social media to find information/news.  

Double paged Convention Diagram 

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For my first double page diagram , I chose a background that shows cohesion for the magazine . The magazine I chose,  showed different variety of colors , such as pink, purple and blue. These colors connotes a   femininity  side. The masthead in the magazine presented different types of fonts and sizes , the fonts that was used where both serif and san-serif styles , also the use of color on the text help show diversity in the magazine . Typography in the magazine uses the diversity in the text is to attract the readers attention, This can also be a negative effect as it might be distracting to the audience.

  The subheading in the magazine is used to give the reader more information about the magazine. The information section
starts with the same sentence 'PRETEND YOU' , this is repeatedly used as a sentence starter , it is also a way of connecting to the reader on a personal level , Its a way to make the reader think and could persuade the reader to find more information about the magazine.

Main image of a magazine is important as its the face of the magazine and needs to be clear to the
audience what it is about . The main image is a women wearing a oversized pink top with a blue dotted long shorts , the NVC the women presents to the audience  shows her posing with her hand on her hip. 
Lighting that I used in the magazine shows high- key lighting to highlight the main image's face. This is to help the reader see what the character looks like. 

The target audience for this magazine is mostly aimed at young teens to adults that seek motivation as this magazine is all about motivating others specifically at females, this can be useful for the reader as it is easier for the audience to engage more as the magazine can react to them. This is a digital magazine , so it would be appeal to young teens going on adults as it is stereotyped that young teens are son social media to search for information










I chose this image as my front cover , the genre of my magazine is rap and I thought this was the best that fit the genre because I wanted the main image to be standing with low-key lighting bouncing of his face and this image gave that effect. 




 I chose this magazine for my double page magazine because it gave a diversity of how the characters are posing,  also I thought it would be a great idea if I was to add a new face for my double page to give the reader another thing to continue reading. 









I chose this photo has it matched my genre with rap and also shown cohesion with my masthead of the magazine (Mask-Emotion). Also the use of the characters posture and NVC help my achieve this . I first added my masthead (Mask-Emotion), I made the masthead bold so that it would stand out and catch the audience attention , as this would be the first thing the reader would see. I then added another font that is slim and ting enough to fit under the masthead , this is jus a small piece of information for the audience to see.After that , I thought it would be a great idea to copy the masthead and make it smaller and add it to the side of the front cover so the more you see of the title the more familiar the audience will remember the brand. 


During the developing stage of the magazine, I have added a sticker so it can stand out to the reader's eye , this give little info and keeps the magazine interesting to look at. so far I have kept the colour scheme to black ,grey ,white . As the front cover , I made it present as a calm setting with a little bit of swag , I have only done this as rappers can be seen as adventurous and creative, I then aside a text in the middle of the main character this going o be a key word that has been said in the magazine , I changed the colour of this font to grey and spaced out the letters so that for the artist it will stand out with a colour and be eye catching to the audience. Also it is used to give an impression and could be a story the artist is trying to get across the the audience 


As I said previously I added the main character's name in bold white , this is used to show the reader who the main character is and can now finally read about who the character might be. As much as the main characters nae is important to know , I also the name of the magazine ( The Prime) , I added the name of the magazine in a more serif font to show the professional side of the magazine and to show the audience that they can get more information from the name of the magazine. So far I thought the it would be enough for a magazine , but then I thought that another sticker would be great to give more information to the audience. I then added a different sticker that showed cohesion with the colour scheme .



For my Double paged magazine I wanted to change it up and add a bit of diversity in the double page I want to add a second picture the magazine, this can be used to see any other character or information apart of the magazine. I first started out with The most listened song that is made by the artist, this is the selling ling that gives more information for the audience for them to see what is in the magazine and what he is recognise for.  Then I added another font that is in bold writing with a black stroke behind the text as its also blurred in the magazine , this is used to give an effect for the magazine , I add this in the middle of both characters . The text is a quote that is made by the characters. The idea for the magazine is to help tell the story of the character towards the audience , this will give an impression to the audience on what kind of magazine that they are seeing and how the information could intrigue them. 


The start of the developing stage of this magazine I have added a sticker at the top left of the magazine this is used as a sticker , this can be either a quote from the model or information that is in the magazine. I added the sticker is used to bring the audience on a closer level with the model. I then added the title of the magazine that is represented by the models. I chose (Mask_Emotions ) as my title because as a person that is of colour and is also a rapper , there is mixed emotion that follows them and they just want to live life as normal , but it won't happen as the life they live. This magazine if for the audience to feel a connection with the magazine. With that , I added a subheading that relates with the title and show cohesion with the genre of rap. The subheading is in a different font and is smaller than the title itself , I have edited the text , to where I have added a black stroke behind the text ,  I also added a shadow behind the text and spaced the words out to show a side of creativity in the magazine. 


By adding another quote to the magazine,, I thought I would show creativity and inspiration for the audience reading the magazine, This was placed at the top right next to the main image, the font of this text was a normal serif font.  Similar to the front cover I have added the same message ('You misunderstood') this is something that is easy to remember and I used and a introduction to the main character. The font of this is very different to the main character , I have made the text white with a black stroke of black and made it bold, with a shadow that gives off an effect on the magazine . For the main character , I made the text write with a shadow of light blue to highlight his name and the main subject , then added a stroke of blue and spacing the letters to fill the page . The reason I chose the colour blue , it represents the main character as intelligent , creative and knowledgeable. 


For the final developing stage of the magazineI added the second character of the magazine in the top right of the magazine. I aisles added the name of the character,  the font of the text remains the same as the main characters name , this is showing cohesion as the extra character per relates to the main character. The reason why I have added the name of the extra character is to show the audience of the information. For the final step in the developing stage , for the double page , I added text of information for the audience to read. The colour of the text is blue to show cohesion of the magazine , I changed the first letter of the text into a bold font that stands or the the readers eye . the first text is talking about the main character's experience and any new news that might be given my the model himself . `this is to get on a more personal connection the the audience. I mixed both white and blue font to stay with the genre and of Rap and to stay with the codes and conditions of the magazine. 







As for my final result , I really like the way the front cover is presented, The use of different fonts and the layout helped show the genre of rap. In the front cover the Masthead standout as it's bold and It would be the first thing the audience would see. I chose to evaluate the genre of rap and its targeted audience , I found that rap is more up beat with a lot of creativity but also by using plain colours such as : black , white , blue and grey , these colours help bring out the rap genre in the magazine .
For my brief , I was assigned to target an audience of 16-35  , for this reason, I have chosen a younger artist that would have experienced listening to rap and that could represent the gene , also it would appeal to the audience as he is around the age and shares common mind towards the audience.

The NCV of the main 
characters connotes as confident and intimidating. Within the rap magazine it is usually shows connotations through standing chest-high or with a slanted body gesture .The use of 
different poses /gestures is that it will help give an idea of who the character is and represents , that could be stereotypically symbolic of frame and status in society, related to' Barthes' - 'semiotics' theory , he stated ideology that certain words/objects make sure to look idea that can support. This is used to promote themselves to the audience as important. The  prop of the mask is to help show cohesion for the genre of the magazine and the title  (Mask-Emotions). The reason behind MASK-EMOTIONS, is a saying that means emotion can either be hidden or shown depending on the person that is surrounding them , I wanted to show a side of sympathy for the character as some males don't show their emotions to others and I wanted to change this by adding the mask to show that he can show his emotions but with the mask on. 
 Referring the magazine , I chose one character to have a mask on and the other to chart her to present with a slanted body language, the use of this is presented as understanding for the target audience to gain intrigue on what the magazine is regarding to the artist.

For my front cover, I chose the artist standing up with his arm crossed because the NVC that the male portrays to the audience presented and genre of rap , also the costume that the male s wearing relates to a rap genre , as black connotes  mystery , elegance and grief, with this the character is in black t present the towards the reader , this also could be shown through the artist's music. I used a bold font for my masthead so this will be able to catch the audience eye, I also added a black stroke behind the text so that it will give off a effect on the front cover. I then added a subheading underneath just to give the audience more information, the subheading is only little information for the reader to reader. This font is more smaller than the masthead as it doesn't need to be bold to distract the reader, The text has a stroke of white to highlight the front cover. 

With adding the main character's name, I added a message that is said by the artist in both the front cover and the double page, This is something that the reader can spot out because it has been seen more than one in the magazine. With this , the font of this message (YOU MISUNDERSTOOD) is in grey to match the background of the magazine, this is the only text that is in grey, it is used to show cohesion. I spaced the text out so it can spread across the main character's torso, underneath I added the artist's name in a serif style of text with white , I made this text bad and sizes it to 20 so that the audience can understand who the main character is. 

For my double page I chose the back ground at grey so it can represent cohesion with the front covers I only used text to show cohesion to the background. The sticker on the double page shows a message for the reader to read, 
I added a message from the artist so that the artist can connect with the audience. This is showing the audience a positive side from the main character. This will also intrigue the reader to reader more as there is a personal message from the artist, so the audience will thing that the character is a generous person. I also aded a second sticker bottom right corner as a promotion of the magazine ( 65 page issue) , I added this ti the magazine to show the reader that this magazine has been seen and reader by many others. The subheading underneath the masthead is a small font that gives information to the audience , but I added a message from the artist related to what the title of the magazine is called. (success comes with struggle) .  I added a second picture on the right of double page to give the audience a new face to look at , this is a feature that I added to the magazine to show my interesting information for the audience. Again as in the front cover I added the same slogan ('YOU MISUNDERSTOOD) this is something that the audience can remember for a long time.  Different from the front cover, the main character's name has been changed to a more bolder font with a stroke of blue behind the text to make the name look outstanding for the audiences eye, with that I added the feature's name underneath with a smaller  size and I also added an outline of black just to show the difference between the characters.
On the left side of the double page I added another quote from the the feature , I only added a small quote from the feature so the audience can can get a feeling from the feature . Going across both character's I added a small cover line ('WE MADE IT OUT') , I did this so the audience can connect to the characters and to some sort of sympathy of how hard work can pay off for people. 

To Conclude my magazines , they regard to rap , I made a lot of new adjustments so it looks conventional to a rap genre and to also show cohesion to the double page. I feel like this convention will be great in the market for rap . This would be a great genre as it will sell out the artist who is being displayed in the double page and the genre convention that make it stand out to which I feel like it appeals to my target audience because they include creators and unique conventions. I overall have shown mise-en-scene , typography  and showed cohesion between my front cover and double page.  


bottom of page